

The Sustainablist is an editorial project on sustainable, eco-friendly and zero waste lifestyle. Our mission? Making sustainable lifestyle simpler.

How to be sustainable during lockdown?

How to be sustainable during lockdown?

Having a hard time to keep your sustainable habits during these strange times? Don’t give up! Find out how to adapt your eco-friendly lifestyle to this new reality.  


We know how hard it is to ditch some of our sustainable lifestyle practices. During the past five weeks we had to use some single-use items and order things online. Yes, it hurts deep in our core and you’re probably going through the same.

Try to see this as something temporary. Besides, you can still have a sustainablish lifestyle during the lockdown.  


Photo: Zaria Wright (Unsplash)

1- Support local businesses

It have never been this important to support local businesses. As most stores had to shut down because of the lockdown, a lot of small businesses are struggling to keep at bay.

If you need bread, groceries or a newspaper… support the small businesses in your neighbourhood instead. 

What about that second-hand store you like? Or your favourite bookstore? If they have a website or Instagram, they might be selling their products online. Get in touch with them and see how can you support them. Save the delivery costs by committing to stop by their store once this is all over.

2- Get a reusable face mask

Protective face masks are becoming a staple in our daily routine. Like us, you might be dreading using a disposable mask every time you leave your home.

Worry not! Reusable face masks are popping in the market. Like these from Gala Black, made out of leftover fabrics from their collections.

Photo: Jasmin Brunner (Unsplash)

Photo: Jasmin Brunner (Unsplash)

3- Take your mesh bags with you

Besides the pandemic, you’re still allowed to use your mesh bags at the supermarket. Make sure to touch the produce as least as possible and use gloves if these are available.

Once you get home, throw these in the washer (60ºC minimum) and make sure you wash your hands properly.

4- Trip to the supermarket? Walk!

In case your local supermarket is a couple of blocks away, take this as an opportunity to walk. Not only you’re moving your body, which is much needed these days, you’re also helping the environment.

We know that taking the car can be quite alluring when you need to bring a week worth of food with you, but you won’t regret.

Photo: Daiga Ellaby (Unsplash)

Photo: Daiga Ellaby (Unsplash)

5- Make your own beauty & home products

This might be the perfect opportunity to try those natural cosmetic or cleanser recipes. Since you’re spending more time at home and your regular stores are closed.

Make sure that you have all the ingredients you need or that these are easy to find.

6- Buy your favourite zero waste products online

This one makes our heart bleed a little, but we try to see it as a temporary necessity. As the lockdown is taking longer than the initially expected, you might be running out of some of your essentials.

Check if your local zero waste stores are still making deliveries these days and stock up on your goodies. This way you don’t only get to keep your sustainable habits, you’re also contributing to the survival of some of your favourite businesses - who might be facing really dark and uncertain days.

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