

The Sustainablist is an editorial project on sustainable, eco-friendly and zero waste lifestyle. Our mission? Making sustainable lifestyle simpler.

My Eco-conscious Goals for 2023

My Eco-conscious Goals for 2023

New Year, New Goals! It’s inevitable to think about new things to accomplish, especially regarding the environmental crisis.

I no longer fall for the “New Year, New Me” thing. Because I don’t want to change and become a whole new person drastically, I am happy with who I am and what I am doing. Instead, I want to improve things I am already doing slightly.

2022 was a good year at different levels. Both personally and professionally. It was the best year for The Sustainablist regarding views and peered recognition, even though I haven’t been able to write as consistently as I intended.

When it comes to my 2022 eco-conscious goals, I was able to check everything on my list:

  • Spend less time on social media: Checked! I no longer have access to my Facebook account, and I’ve been spending less and less time on Instagram. I’ve only logged onto Pinterest a couple of times during 2022. And LinkedIn no longer feels like a safe and exciting place (when did this happen?). What’s my goal now? To stop using Instagram altogether by the end of 2023. I know that’s a hard one to accomplish. 

  • Keep reducing my transportation footprint: Checked! I’ve worked from home during most of 2022, which translated into zero emissions (for me). So, when it was time to go back to the office (two days per week), I reactivated my old Transport Card and did my entire commute (over 2h30 hours each way), taking a combination of different public transports (several metro lines and a bus). Exhausting, I know! Fortunately, I was able to land a new job in December. Whose headquarters is a bit more centric, which allowed me to reduce my daily commute (now 1h30, each way) using public transportation only.

  • Eat less meat: Checked! 2022 was the year that I made more vegan meals at home and when out and about. I love how I feel after having a vegan meal. My digestive process is much smoother than when I eat beef. Plus, texture-wise, I really can’t tell the difference between Heura and chicken. I only wish that plant-based substitutes were cheaper than they are now.

  • Order fewer take-out meals: Checked! I haven’t ordered a single take-out meal for most of the year, besides constantly receiving newsletters with promotions and discount codes. But, in December, with all the mess of starting a new job and establishing a new routine, I ordered a take-out meal a few times. Especially when I arrive home after a long day at the office and have nothing on my fridge, I am back at cooking and packing my lunch to avoid spending money at local restaurants or ordering take-out meal deliveries to the office.

  • Reduce the pile on my recycling bin: Checked! I reduced the number of times I went to the recycling bin. And I genuinely wish I could reduce it even more, but unfortunately, it’s still hard (if not nearly impossible) to get most of my grocery shopping done without plastic.

And now, let’s jump to what got you here in the first place… my eco-conscious goals for 2023!

Not purchase any skincare or makeup products during the first quarter of the year

I know that this is a tough one for someone like me. Mainly because of the Sale season and all the SS 2023 launches coming up.

But I’ve spent so much money on makeup and skincare during 2022’s last quarter that I need to stop getting new ones and find time to enjoy (and test) all the things I’ve bought. And also to write about these.

This might be the most challenging goal for me to accomplish. Even my closest ones doubt I can make it, given how much these things are part of my life. Oh, well! Wish me luck!

Quit Instagram

Even though I made a significant evolution in social media usage last year, I would like to take it one step further in 2023. And that would be quitting Instagram for good!

Despite my 30-minute daily minute, there are days that I cross that line and use it for a more extended period, especially on days that I am not feeling focused or motivated. And needless to say, I always end up feeling worse afterward. 

Of course, Instagram is an excellent way of keeping up with new makeup launches, trendy skincare products, and getting in touch with my friends. But there are other (and better) sources to do it.

Purchase more refill products

I hope we live the day when we can take our empty beauty containers to a local store and refill all the goodies we need.

Until that doesn’t happen, there are two solutions: buy products that come in eco-conscious packages (paper, glass, or stainless steel) or purchase refills (more product, less plastic).

In 2022, I was able to add some of these to my everyday beauty staples: L’Occitane’s Almond Shower Oil and WILD Deodorant refill. Give these a try if you haven’t done them so far. It’s every single cent.

I’ve also been applying this practice to household supplies, like laundry detergent or home scents. 

I love that mainstream supermarket brands are launching some of their best-sellers on a package with far less plastic. Given that many people shop at their local supermarkets, this small gesture will significantly impact and make a difference.

Ideally, these brands should invest in package-free products or direct refills on the spot. But until then, 70% less plastic is already an important step, especially if it becomes a widespread practice among consumers.

So, in 2023, I want to keep buying more and more products like these. And see how this impacts my environmental footprint and personal finances.

Sell clothes (and accessories) that I no longer wear

Nowadays, I only buy pieces of clothes that I love. But I still keep a handful of articles from my "less conscious" shopping days.

I am talking about pieces of clothes that are still in mint condition. Either because they don't fit me or they no longer suit my style.

So, this year, instead of keeping these taking space in the closet just in case… I'll try to sell these online for a fraction of the price.

At the moment, I am still trying to figure out how Vinted works and what I have to do with the shipping. But I'll let you know when these pieces become available online.

If you have any suggestions on how to do it or if you've already sold clothes online, feel free to drop me a line.


Opt for digital magazines instead of their print version

As a former journalist and devoted reader, I’ve always enjoyed going to a newsstand, browsing a magazine, and browsing its pages while sitting at a lovely café or at home. I’ve been like this since I was a pre-teen. 

Despite drastically reducing this habit since I moved to Madrid, I’ve noticed that I’ve re-ignited with it during the last quarter.

Here’s why: I was taking a French class. So, I would go to a prominent newsstand with the international press every other week to check if they had any French magazines—usually, Elle France. So I could get more familiarized with sentence structures and learn new vocabulary.

Which was great! But, at the same time, I’ve noticed that these have become a regular in my recycling bin. And that’s something that I want to avoid in 2023.

The resolution? Subscribing the online version of these magazines has pros and cons.

Even though this swap is better for the environment and my finances, most magazines have their reading app. And unfortunately, I still haven’t found one that pleases me regarding User Experience and readability.

But, hey, it’s better than nothing.

What about you? What are your eco-conscious goals for 2023?

Hello, 2023!

Hello, 2023!

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