

The Sustainablist is an editorial project on sustainable, eco-friendly and zero waste lifestyle. Our mission? Making sustainable lifestyle simpler.

5-Day Challenge: Eco-friendly Living

5-Day Challenge: Eco-friendly Living

How to create a more eco-friendly and conscious lifestyle? Before you jump into the bandwagon and read all the literature on the subject, let me help you create a more sustainable living with this 5-day challenge.

Before we get started, let me tell you one thing: adopting a more eco-friendly lifestyle doesn’t have to be complicated, time-consuming, or expensive. 

Also, it has very little to do with those perfectly curated pictures you see very often on social media. Sustainable living is all about taking small, imperfect swaps on a regular basis. Respecting your own pace, needs, and lifestyle. 

Whether you’re just getting started or feeling a bit blocked, this 5-day challenge will help you revise some of the areas in your life and plan the next steps.

I tried to keep it as simple as possible and give you only the most relevant information so that you don’t feel overwhelmed. But in case that happens, take it slow. Break the tasks and swaps into smaller ones. Also, you don’t have to do everything I mention. Pick the ones that resonate more with you and your current needs. Be realistic! 



How can you make part of this 5-Day Challenge?

You just have to enroll here. This 5-Day Challenge is completely free and each day is entirely focused on a different area of your life.

I know that sometimes life gets in the way and it might be impossible to follow the steps every single day. If that’s the case, avoid feeling overwhelmed or frustrated. You can access the lessons anytime through the links delivered to your email.

Feel free to pick all the information and re-organize this challenge your way. Also, you can write to me anytime if you need further information or guidance.

Do you need anything to get this Challenge started?

Just an electronic device with an internet connection. It can be a computer, mobile, tablet…

In case you’re wondering, no… you don’t need an eco-friendly kit (whatever that means) to get started. My main goal is that you use what you already own as much as possible and only buy new things if you really have to. 

However, these new purchases might be done according to your needs and the positive impact that these might bring to your life. Not because somebody says it’s mandatory.

I have a few posts about it (like this one and this other one), also Pinterest is a great place to look-up for first-person articles about eco-friendly living. 


What will you learn with this 5-Day Challenge?

Well, a lot of things. In fact, there was so much information that I wanted to share with you that I really had to pace myself.

I had to be selective and give you relevant actionable steps that you can easily put into practice. Without making you feel overwhelmed or that adopting more sustainable habits isn’t for you. 

To sum up: you’ll get all the information you need to get started, as well as inspiration if you’re feeling stuck. Split into 5 different areas: lifestyle, trash audit, kitchen, bathroom, and wardrobe.

You’ll also have access to planners and checklists, to help you plan your next steps and keep track of your progress.

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